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Different Career Path – DNA Academy

Different career path

Think non-traditional careers and you hit on RBCS. RBCS , an acronym for Radio Bhuvan Career Supermarket is a fifty year old organisation offering vocational courses. It’s the brain child of Late Shyam Motwani, who felt that students need something more than the regular education to prepare them for the job market. Now, his son Subhash Motwani holds the reins of the organisation where they use a new method called “Power Learning”. Power Learning simplifies the learning process by one sixteenth and RBCS claims with this, once can learn a foreign language in 15 hours.

The idea behind naming the organisation ‘career supermarket’ is that most education institutions treat courses as products and try to sell their courses to you, feesl Subhash Motwani. They want to achieve profits and don’t care whether you have the aptitude for a course or not. At career supermarket, you have a number of options to choose from and the faculty’s guidance.

Most students get into traditional courses due to herd mentality and later discover that they don’t have an aptitude for it. Changing your field totally after a certain level, becomes an expensive proposition. RBCS advises students to take up part-time jobs even while at college so they can start funding at least part of their education.

RBCS believes that pursuing a short terms courses alongside graduation will hold the students in a better stead.

Our country is churning out engineering graduates by the dozen and many are unemployed or underemployed. Vocational courses are cheaper and though they start off a lower salary level, the growth is immense. Subhash Motwani informs that today, some of his students earn as much as IIT or IIM graduates. However it is important to be wary of bogus institutes which make tall claims. Students should check the institutes’ background before joining and verify all the claims that the organisation makes.

Motwani warns students about the education scam – as he calls the situation today. Many institutes have come up in the last few years and there are no regulations to check whether these institutes are certified or standardised at all. One should be wary of phony institutes which claim to be associated with international brands.